Representing the interests of the
European contract catering sector
Letta Report: Social Partners in the contract catering sector welcome his views on public procurement
06 May 2024
The European Sectoral Social Partners in the contract catering sector, FoodServiceEurope and EFFAT, would like to express their support for Enrico Letta’s
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FoodServiceEurope submits 2024 Annual Report for the Code of Conduct
30 April 2024
On 30 April, FoodServiceEurope submitted its third annual report to the Code of Conduct for Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices. As one of the founding signatories of the...
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Press Release - FoodServiceEurope publishes Manifesto for the Contract Catering Sector in the 2024-2029 EU Mandate
18 September 2023
Brussels, 18 September 2023 – Today, FoodServiceEurope, the voice of the contract catering sector in Europe, is proud to present its Manifesto for the contract catering sector in the...
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FoodServiceEurope welcomes new President
30 August 2023
FoodServiceEurope has elected Thomas Guether as new President of the association, effective from 1 September 2023. He succeeds Michel Croisé, CEO of Sodexo BENELUX, who steps down after 6...
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EFFAT and FoodServiceEurope joint declaration on public procurement and collective bargaining
19 June 2023
Brussels, 19 June 2023 – EFFAT and FoodServiceEurope have united to raise concerns about the potential threats posed by the current public procurement rules in the EU to the social and...
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Position on the evaluation on the Directive on unfair trading practices
July 2024

FoodServiceEurope believes that fostering fair contractual relations amongst all actors in the supply chain is essential to provide high-quality, safe, and affordable food to consumers. Therefore, the contract catering sector welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the evaluation of Directive 2019/633 on unfair trading practices in the agricultural and food supply chain.

The current Directive does not sufficiently consider the specificities of the contract catering sector and its unique position in the food supply chain. This is because the scope of the Directive only applies to the sale and purchase of food products but not the provision of food services in business-to-business relations. As a result, our sector needs to comply with the requirements and obligations as buyers of food products but does not have equivalent protection in their dealings as suppliers.

We therefore believe that it is essential to revise the Directive as soon as possible to extend its scope to cover the provision of food services.

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Position Paper on Late Payments Directive Revision
December 2023

FoodServiceEurope welcomes the opportunity to provide our position on the revision the existing Directive on late payments. Late payments, in particular by national and local public authorities, continue to be a very serious problem for our industry. While the situation diverges substantially across Member States, in national markets payment terms from public authorities can reach up to 200 days, creating serious burdens in terms of cash flow for catering companies.

Read our recommendations in our position paper below. 

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Position Paper on Green Claims
December 2023

FoodServiceEurope supports a general EU framework that protects consumers and companies from misleading green claims, improves legal certainty and levels the playing field within the Single Market. It is however essential that the new framework does not disincentivize companies from communicating on their environmental efforts since the ability to communicate to consumers is a strong driver of environmental improvements. Therefore, such a framework must be proportionate, and balanced. It should be easy for companies to apply and inform consumers about their choices.

Read our suggestions in the document below.

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Joint letter on recognising reuse and recycling as complementary solutions in the PPWR
November 2023

Ahead of the plenary vote on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), FoodServiceEurope and the signatories to this letter would like to share some of their concerns regarding the approach adopted by the Parliament’s Environment Committee (ENVI) on 24 October.

While we recognize the good progress made on the text in a number of areas which will help the industry to achieve its circular ambitions, we are highly concerned with the amendments to Art. 26 of the draft PPWR which have been adopted by the ENVI Committee and in particular:

1. The possibility provided to Member States to go beyond the proposed increased reuse targets without any justification needed.

2. The absence in the proposal of a mechanism which would allow for single-use recyclable packaging as an alternative to packaging for reuse if a better overall environmental outcome on the basis of a waste management or life cycle assessment can be achieved.

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Joint letter from the agri-food chain on FSFS
May 2023

Leading EU agri-food chain organisations unite in a call for more involvement around the shaping of the future legislative Framework for Sustainable Food Systems.

Today, 31 organisations representing all the leading organisations of the food chain in the EU sent a joint letter to the European Commission asking to be more involved in the building process of the Farm to Fork flagship initiative: the legislative Framework for Sustainable Food Systems (FSFS).

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Position Paper on the Packaging and Packaging Waste proposal
March 2023

FoodServiceEurope supports the EU Green Deal’s objective to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and to establish a circular economy in the EU. We believe that proposal for a Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) is a step in the right direction, but improvements are needed. Additionally, we would like to bring to the attention of the legislators the specificities of the contract catering sector to be considered in the development of the PPWR.

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Incentivising healthy lunches for employees through appropriate fiscal policy on fringe benefits: position of the Contract Catering Sector
November 2019

Position adopted during the General Assembly that took place in Brussels on 28 Novelber 2019.

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Position on the European Commission Proposal for a Directive on unfair trading practices in the food supply chain
June 2018

FoodServiceEurope believes that fostering fair contractual relations amongst all actors in the supply chain is essential to provide high-quality, safe, and affordable food to consumers. Therefore, the contract catering sector supports balanced initiatives to strengthen the position of farmers and SMEs in the food supply chain. However, any initiative at EU level has to be justified and proportionate in order to achieve this stated objective.

The Commission’s proposal for a Directive to address unfair trading practices in the food supply chain does not sufficiently consider the specificities of the contract catering sector and its unique position in the food supply chain

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Position on a Circular Economy
September 2016

The European contract catering sector is doing its part to support clients who choose sustainable procurement.

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Position Paper on the reform of the EU Public Procurement Directive
March 2013

FoodServiceEurope asks both the European Parliament and the Council to rethink their approach in the course of the Trilogue Negotiations to ensure public procurement will effectively guarantee quality and value of services provided.

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Position Paper on the Future of the EU VAT Regime
March 2013

FoodServiceEurope believes that reduced rates are of utmost importance for securing jobs and growth and would not create an obstacle to the proper functioning of the internal market. Reduced rates are also desirable as they fulfil the public policy objective of increasing food access to lower-income earners.

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Position Paper on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers
September 2008

FoodServiceEurope urges the European Parliament and Member States to amend the proposal in order to avoid the extension of all mandatory information requirements listed to non-pre-packed food served in catering units and to keep the current regime unchanged.

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FoodServiceEurope Manifesto for the Contract Catering Sector in the 2024-2029 EU Mandate
September 2023

FoodServiceEurope, the voice of the contract catering sector in Europe, is proud to present its Manifesto for the contract catering sector in the 2024-2029 EU mandate. With the aim of addressing the challenges faced by the catering industry, we call on policymakers to empower the contract catering sector to continue providing nutritious, healthy, and sustainable meals to millions of EU citizens.

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FoodServiceEurope signature of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Business and Marketing Practices
July 2021


The Contract Catering Sector is committed to the EU journey towards more Sustainable Food Systems

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Major European hospitality industry stakeholders call for stronger focus by the EU institutions on the sector’s recovery
May 2021

FoodServiceEurope, along with 10 other associations and trade unions representing the European hospitality industry and its value chain warmly welcome this week’s discussions at EU level on the survival of the sector. The joint statement reiterates the groups calls for the setting up of a hospitality Task Force to discuss the impact of COVID-19, and deliver a roadmap for the recovery. We still believe this to be essential to grant a faster and solid recovery.

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For the Strategic Deployment of Contract Catering in the Aftermath of COVID-19
September 2020

FoodServiceEurope's Call to Action outlines the key role that the contract catering industry can play in Europe's economy recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. It calls on the EU to take concrete action in the areas of public procurement, taxation and sustainability to ensure that the industry can operate as effectively as possible.

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Model School Food Standard
May 2017

FoodServiceEurope has adopted its ‘Model School Food Standard’ during the General Assembly that took place in Vienna on 19 May. This new FoodServiceEurope policy provides food and nutrient based standards for food served in schools, as well as recommendations for a healthier school environment. The Standard was developed as guidance for contract catering operators and all actors involved in the provision of food in schools in the EU in the context of FoodServiceEurope’s participation to the EU Platform for Diet, Physical Activity and Health, a forum where stakeholders adopt commitments that contribute to tackling childhood obesity.

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Two pager on our new Model School Food Standard
May 2017

For a quick glance of our new proposed standard for food in schools accross Europe, check the two pager below.

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Agreement on Corporate Social Responsibility in the Contract Catering sector
October 2014

This agreement on CSR in the European contract catering sector intends to set voluntary minimum standards in a number of key areas including training, health and safety and working conditions. A revised Agreement to replace the text signed in January 2007 was adopted during the Social Dialogue annual Plenary Meeting of 6 October 2014.

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FoodServiceEurope response to the European Commission’s public consultation on the review of existing legislation on VAT reduced rates
January 2013

FoodServiceEurope welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the European Commission’s review of the VAT rate structure and appreciates the fact-based approach the Commission is taking.

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Food Hygiene Training for All training tool
October 2012

This online training tool was launched by FoodServiceEurope and EFFAT to provide a qualification for food handlers in the contract catering sector. Food Hygiene for All addresses the lack of resources available to SMEs, which are often unable to invest in specific in-house food hygiene training, and contributes to the professional development of workers in those small and medium sized contract catering companies.

Visit Food Hygiene Training for All 

European Guide to Good Practice for Food Hygiene in the Contract Catering Sector
May 2009

This guide takes account of the requirements of the EU framework Regulations on Food Hygiene and Guidelines documents, as well as the general and specific principles of the Codex Alimentarius.

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Brochure: Healthy Eating for a Better Life - Contract Catering Fights against Obesity
January 2006

FoodServiceEurope members recognise the need for a global strategy on diet and healthy lifestyles, where all stakeholders take their responsibilities and work in partnership.

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EU Platform Commitments
January 2006

FoodServiceEurope encourages its members and contract catering companies to adopt and implement general nutrition recommendations based on a number of key principles.

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Guide to the Economically Most Advantageous Offer
January 2005

The aim of this guide is to assist public and private purchasers of contract catering services in their efforts to organise a tendering process that will result in the selection of the economically most advantageous offer.

Visit the Guide here.

Agreement on vocational training in the European contract catering sector, concluded between ECF-IUF and FERCO
January 1999

FERCO and the ECF-IUF consider that the European level is most appropriate to periodically examine the evolution of training needs in catering, initiate joint action and, where appropriate, make joint recommendations.

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